Tuesday, February 4, 2014


As those of you who have read an earlier post - Genesis of a Book - will have noted, the original H.M.S.Victory hard back work authored by Iain Ballantyne and myself, first appeared in 2005.

Recently the publisher made it known they wanted to produce a paper-back version of that volume. Six years had elapsed since the first publication and during this time important new details emerged regarding one of the seven warships named Victory; Admiral Sir John Balchen's flagship which was lost on October 4th, 1744, originally it was thought, dashed to pieces upon the Casquets Rocks near Alderney in The Channel Islands. 

In 2008, the American Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc., company found evidence of Balchen's Victory in the Channel, near the English south coast. After many dives, the remains of the wreck were confirmed as that of the Admiral's Flagship in 2009.

While flattered by our publisher's intent to reprint the original work, the authors felt compelled to ensure a factual update on the centuries old mystery of the flagship's disappearance and whereabouts was included in the new work, while at the same time pressing for a redesign of the somewhat staid original cover.

Victory; From Fighting the Armada to Trafalgar and Beyond published by Pen & Sword Maritime 2013, ISBN 178159363-9 can be ordered easily through this link >

The new cover

A comprehensive review of the work can be read here >http://www.navy-net.co.uk/content/260-victory-fighting-armada-trafalfgar-beyond.html<

And another here; http://www.navyhistory.org/2013/12/book-review-victory-from-fighting-the-armada-to-trafalgar-and-beyond/

Details and ordering information for our second work on the subject of Nelson's Battle of Trafalgar flagship HMS Victory - First Rate 1765 can be found here>http://iainballantyne.com/hms-victory-first-rate-2/< on my co-author Iain Ballantyne's web site.

While you are there, I urge you to take a look at Iain's latest blockbuster Hunter Killers, published late in 2013 by Orion. This 482 page tome sets down the dramatic untold story of the Royal Navy's most secret submarine service during the Cold War years. It's a monumental work of fact, more riveting than any novel could possibly be.

For those interested in original images of H.M.S.Victory (or indeed, any other of H.M. Warships.), viewing files can be found here>https://www.wuala.com/Jonathan_Eastland/Photos/AJAXNETPHOTO< Just click on the General Archives folder to see the various image categories. One mouse click opens a folder; one mouse click on a thumbnail delivers a large preview image which can be downloaded or shared. Prints can be ordered by sending either the image title name (in full please) or a copy of the image to my email address: picturedesk@ajaxnetphoto.com Please state the print size required and I'll get back with ordering options.

This blog content is copyright the author Jonathan Eastland 2014 and may be freely used with appropriate attributions to the site URL as follows >http://hmsvictoryfirstrate1765.blogspot.co.uk

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